Project - Algae Based Climate Feed Additive for Methane Reduction in Dairy Cows

Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup

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Project - Algae Based Climate Feed Additive for Methane Reduction in Dairy Cows


Climate Feed 

Project start October 2019. Project completed September 2024.

The demand for milk and dairy products is expected to keep rising due to population growth and change in consumption patterns, while emission cuts of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are required urgently to avoid vital climate change.

The emission target for Danish agriculture is a reduction of 55 - 65 % in CO2-equivalents by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, and other EU-member states have almost similar targets. These goals can be achieved by efforts including reducing the major part of agriculture’s emissions of CO2-equivalents from ruminant cows: each cow burps between 500-700 liters methane every day.

The source of methane emission from cows is specific microbes in the rumens, which needs to be targeted. Macroalgae or seaweed are a natural alternative to chemical feed additives (e.g.3-nitrooxypropanol) that have recently been released on the market for reduction of methane emission from the rumen. Climate Feed will further develop macroalgae-based feed additives with potential to significantly reduce methane emission from cows, which is in line with a current strategy of the Danish Government to place emphasis on the development of a strong ingredients sector in Denmark.

Funded by Danmarks Innovationsfond


  • Danish Technological Institute - DTI, Project Coordinator
  • Aarhus University – AU
  • Vilofoss A/S – VILOFOSS
  • DLG a.m.b.a – DLG
  • Ocean Rainforest – ORF
  • Dansk Tang – DT
  • DryingMate A/S – DM
  • Naturmælk – NMK
  • Landbrug og Fødevarer F.m.b.A., SEGES – SEGES
  • University of Waikato – UoW
  • Københavns Universitet - KU

Project Publications

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Scientific Publications

A seaweed aquaculture imperative to meet global sustainability targets  

Targeted and Untargeted Metabolic Profiling to Discover Bioactive Compounds in Seaweeds and Hemp Using Gas and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Project Contact

  • Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup, Director, Bioresources and biorefinery, DTI, Tel: +45 72201602, 

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