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International konference - Ecodesign and energy labelling in practice - experiences, challenges, regulation and impact - Program
Vælg side
Dag 1
09.30-10.00 Registration and coffee
10.00-10.10 Welcome, Esben Vendelbo Foged, Danish Technological Institute
10.10-10.50 The Danish approach towards ecodesign, Bjarke Hansen, Danish Energy Agency
10.50-11.0 5 Coffee break
11.05-11.35 Status on the ecodesign and energy labelling process, Bjarke Hansen, Danish Energy Agency
11.35-12.05 Past implementation - exemplified by heat pumps, Esben Vendelbo Foged, Danish Technological Institute
12.05-12.35 Present implementation - exemplified by condensing units, process chillers, professional storage cabinets, Per Henrik Pedersen, Danish Technological Institute
12.35-13.35 Lunch
13.35-14.15 Future implementation - exemplified by high-temperature chillers, air conditioners, Jeremy Tait, Tait Consulting Limited
14.15-14.45 Challenges from a producer perspective, David Kroon, NIBE
14.45-15.15 Challenges from a producer perspective, Els Baert, Daikin Europe
15.15-15.55 CEN HP-Keymark Program, Stephan Pähler, Stiebel Eltron
15.55-16.35 European Heat Pump certification program, Carolina Carmo, Eurovent Certita Certification
16.35-17.15 Laboratory, Lasse Søe, Jesper W. Kristoffersen & Mads K. Foged, Danish Technological Institute
17.15-18.15 Laboratory walk and refreshments, Lasse Søe, Danish Technological Institute
18.15-19.00 Individual transport to restaurant - conference dinner
19.00-22.30 Conference dinner and sightseeing at Den Gamle By (the Old Town)
Dag 2
08.00-08.20 Transit from DTI to Johnson Controls and Advansor
08.20-09.40 Company visits to Johnson Controls or Advansor*
09.40-10.00 Transit from company to DTI
10.00-10.15 Today’s programme, Esben Vendelbo Foged, Danish Technological Institute
10.15-11.00 Market surveillance in Denmark, Pia Westphalen, Secretariat for Ecodesign and Energy Labelling of Products
11.00-11.45 Nordsyn and the Nordic market surveillance cooperation, to be confirmed
11.45-12.30 Market surveillance in the EU, Prosafe, Bjarke Hansen, Danish Energy Agency
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 Ecodesign/energy labelling – group work
14.30-15.30 Ecodesign/energy labelling – discussion in plenum
15.30-15.45 End of conference