2nd Conference on High-Temperature Heat Pumps - 2019 - About the conference
Industrial and high temperature heat pumps (HTHP) have the potential to play a key role in reducing the GHG emissions associated with the supply of industrial process heat. The increasing motivation in replacing fossil fuel-based combustions and the more beneficial boundary conditions for heat pumps enable extending the heat pump technology to higher supply temperatures. This development is represented by several ongoing research projects, the increasing variety of available technologies and the emerging number of realized industrial cases.
DTI, SINTEF and DTU initiated a conference on high-temperature heat pumps as a meeting point for the community and to create a possibility for keeping up with the latest developments concerning HTHPs. The event is organized as a conference composed by presentations of several internationally acknowledged speakers as well as a poster session with plenty of room for fruitful debates and networking.
Practical information
When: 9th of September 2019, 09:30 – 18:00
Where: Langelinie Pavillonen, Central Copenhagen.
The conference will be followed by a dinner at Toldboden at 19:00.
You can sign up for the conference by following this link. NB! If you are participating in the Smart Energy Systems conference, you can get your ticket to the HTHP-conference at at reduced fee.
We encourage you to sign up as soon as possible but the latest by 3 September 2019. If you wish to attend the conference dinner, we need your registration before 1 September.
What can you expect?
The conference will give an overview the most relevant aspects of high-temperature heat pumps, reaching from the potential of HTHPs over ongoing developments to realized cases. The programme is accordingly directed to a large range of participants, involving participants from researcher institutions, manufacturers, consultants, end-users and others with an interest in high-temperature heat pumps.
The event will be opened with a keynote lecture from Thomas Nowak, Secretary General of the European Heat Pump Association, outlining how high-temperature heat pumps can contribute to reaching the climate targets.
The keynote lecture is followed by three sessions of oral presentations with a focus on:
- Potential and demand of high-temperature heat pumps
- Industrial cases and examples of successful integration of high-temperature heat pumps
- Current developments and trends for high-temperature heat pumps
Subsequently, the scientific part of the event will be concluded by a poster session. The poster session consists of a brief pitch of each poster followed by plenty of time for inspecting the posters in more detail, discussing the content with the authors and networking.
And finally, the day will be concluded by a conference dinner at Toldboden right next to the conference place in the center of Copenhagen.
Invitation to contribute to the poster session
The organizing committee invites interested participants to upload a presentation for the poster sessions. If you have a new or different angle to the topic of high-temperature heat pumps, do not hesitate to upload your abstract. In case your presentation gets accepted, you will present it during the poster session from 17-18.30 at the conference day.
Find out how to upload and find relevant dates here.
Previous Conference
In 2017, the first conference on High Temperature Heat Pumps was successfully held at the National Museum of Denmark - read more about it here. The day was filled with plenty of interesting presentations and great debates from participants from 13 different countries. The collection of presentations can be found here.
Conference organizers
The conference is organized by DTI, SINTEF and DTU and arranged in connection with the 5th International Conference On Smart Energy Systems.