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Get started with Microsoft Copilot for Security [SC-5006]

21. oktober 2024 Taastrup
15. november 2024 Aarhus
5. december 2024 Taastrup
DKK  5.499
ekskl. moms
Nr. 91586 A

Lær om Microsoft Copilot for Security, et AI-drevet sikkerhedsanalyseværktøj, der gør det muligt for analytikere at behandle sikkerhedssignaler og reagere hurtigt på trusler, og de AI-koncepter, som det er bygget på.


Dette kursus er for dig, der arbejder med Microsoft sikkerhedsløsninger herunder Copilot.


Du forventes at have praktisk erfaring med sikkerhedsoperationer og hændelsesberedskab samt Microsofts sikkerhedsprodukter og -tjenester.


  • Få en introduktion til AI koncepter og forstå, hvilke risici der er forbundet hermed.
  • Lær at håndtere sikkerhedssignaler
  • Lær om de scenarier, der understøttes af Copilots i Microsofts sikkerhedsløsninger
  • Lær, hvordan du integrerer AI-værktøjer med eksisterende security frameworks, og hvordan du kan forbedre den overordnede sikkerhedsposition

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Certificeret underviser

På dette kursus vil der højest være MAKS DELTAGERE pr. hold.

Maks. 10 deltagere

På kurset får du morgenmad, frokost, snacks og drikkevarer.

Fuld forplejning

På kurset er der indtænkt øvelser og deltagerinddragelse.

Øvelser og inddragelse

Materiale på engelsk

Materiale på engelsk

Undervisning på dansk

Undervisning på dansk

Tæt på kursusstedet er der gratis parkering.

Gratis parkering

Computer stilles til rådighed

Computer stilles til rådighed


Fundamental AI Concepts
With AI, we can build solutions that seemed like science fiction a short time ago; enabling incredible advances in health care, financial management, environmental protection, and other areas to make a better world for everyone.

- Introduction to AI
- Understand machine learning
- Understand computer vision
- Understand natural language processing
- Understand document intelligence and knowledge mining
- Understand generative AI
- Challenges and risks with AI
- Understand Responsible AI
Fundamentals of Generative AI
In this module, you explore the way in which language models enable AI applications and services to generate original content based on natural language input. You also learn how generative AI enables the creation of copilots that can assist humans in creative tasks.

- What is generative AI?
- What are language models?
- Using language models
- What are copilots?
- Microsoft Copilot
- Considerations for Copilot prompts
- Extending and developing copilots
Fundamentals of Responsible Generative AI
Generative AI enables amazing creative solutions but must be implemented responsibly to minimize the risk of harmful content generation.

- Plan a responsible generative AI solution
- Identify potential harms
- Measure potential harms
- Mitigate potential harms
- Operate a responsible generative AI solution
Describe Microsoft Copilot for Security
You are introduced to some basic terminology, how Microsoft Copilot for Security processes prompts, the elements of an effective prompt, and how to enable the solution.

- Get acquainted with Microsoft Copilot for Security
- Describe Microsoft Copilot for Security terminology
- Describe how Microsoft Copilot for Security processes prompt requests
- Describe the elements of an effective prompt
- Describe how to enable Microsoft Copilot for Security
Describe the core features of Microsoft Copilot for Security
Learn about available plugins, promptbooks, the ways you can export and share information from Copilot, and much more.

- Describe the features available in the standalone experience of Microsoft Copilot for Security
- Describe the features available in a session of the standalone experience
- Describe the Microsoft plugins available in Microsoft Copilot for Security
- Describe the non-Microsoft plugins supported by Microsoft Copilot for Security
- Describe custom promptbooks
- Describe knowledge base connections
Describe the embedded experiences of Microsoft Copilot for Security
Microsoft Copilot for Security is accessible directly from some Microsoft security products. This is referred to as the embedded experience. Learn about the scenarios supported by the Copilot embedded experience in Microsoft’s security solutions.

- Describe Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Defender XDR
- Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Purview
- Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Entra
- Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Intune
- Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Explore use cases of Microsoft Copilot for Security
Configure the Microsoft Sentinel plugin

- Enable a custom plugin
- Explore file uploads as a knowledge base
- Create a custom promptbook
- Explore the capabilities of Copilot in Microsoft Defender XDR
- Explore the capabilities of Copilot in Microsoft PurviewEnsuring that administrative roles are protected and managed to increase your Azure solution security is a must. In this module you will learn how to use PIM to protect your data and resources.

Bemærk: Indhold for dette kursus tilpasses løbende af Microsoft for at følge med den løbende teknologiske udvikling, der kan derfor ske ændringer af kursusindhold uden varsel.


Du får adgang til Microsoft kursusmateriale på Learn samt virtuelt lab-miljø med Microsoft Copilot 365.

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21. oktober 2024
15. november 2024
5. december 2024