
4 dages kursus 
Læring inden for et specifikt emne

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance [MB-310T00]

28. - 31. oktober 2024 Taastrup
24. - 28. februar 2025 Taastrup
22. - 25. april 2025 Aarhus
16. - 19. juni 2025 Virtuelt kursus
DKK  18.999
ekskl. moms
Nr. 90474 A
Meget godt
4 anmeldelser
Arrangementer på Teknologisk Institut bliver evalueret af deltagerne. Stjernerne angiver deltagernes gennemsnitlige tilfredshed inden for de sidste 5 år.

På dette kursus får du den nødvendige viden til at konfigurere, administrere og anvende de mest benyttede komponenter i Dynamics 365 Finance-modulet. På kurset gennemgår vi bla. de mest almindelige processer, administration af kreditorer og debitor, inkasso, budgettering, anlægsaktiver, tilgodehavender og yderligere funktioner.


Dette kursus er for dig som rådgiver kunder om løsninger i Dynamics 365 eller er ansvarlig for jeres Dynamics 365 løsning og applikationer i organisationen, og som ønsker viden om hvordan du konfigurere og administrere de mest anvendte funktioner i Finansmodulet.


Du har deltaget på vores Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operations Apps (ERP) [MB-920T00] eller har tilsvarende viden.


  • Lær at opsætte og konfigurere økonomistyring
  • Lær at implementere debitor-, kredit-, inkasso- og indtægtsføring
  • Lær at implementere og administrere kreditorer og udgifter
  • Lær at administrere budgettering
  • Lær at administrere anlægsaktiver

Det får du på kurset

Vi sørger for, at rammerne er i orden, så du kan fokusere på at lære.

Efter du har fuldendt kurset, vil du modtage et kursusbevis.


På kurset får du morgenmad, frokost, snacks og drikkevarer.

Fuld forplejning

Materiale på engelsk

Materiale på engelsk

Undervisning på dansk

Undervisning på dansk

Tæt på kursusstedet er der gratis parkering.

Gratis parkering


Modul 1 Configure and use the general ledger in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Get started with Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure currencies in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Create fiscal calendars, years, and periods in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure chart of accounts in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Set up ledgers and journals in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Perform general ledger daily procedures in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Intercompany accounting in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure ledger allocations and accruals in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure and perform periodic processes in Dynamics 365 Finance
Modul 2 Configure and use cash and bank management, and sales tax in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure cash and bank management in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Work with cash and bank management in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure letters of credit and guarantees in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure and process postdated checks in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure taxes in Dynamics 365 Finance
Modul 3 Work with accounts payable in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure Accounts payable in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Perform Accounts payable daily procedures in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Work with accounting distributions, invoice validations and settlements in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Set up and use Intelligent OCR for vendor invoices in Dynamics 365 Finance
Modul 4 Work with accounts receivable in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Set up accounts receivable in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Perform accounts receivable daily procedures in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Set up credit and collections in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Process credit and collections in Dynamics 365 Finance
Modul 5 Configure and use budgeting in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure and use basic budgeting and budget control in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure and use budget planning in Dynamics 365 Finance
Modul 6 Configure and manage fixed assets and Asset leasing in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure fixed assets management in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Manage fixed assets in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Set up Asset leasing in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Work with Asset leasing in Dynamics 365 Finance
Modul 7 Get started with cost accounting for supply chains in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Get started with cost accounting in Dynamics 365 Finance
Modul 8 Work with Expense management in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
  • Get started with Expense management in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
  • Set up and configure Expense management in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
  • Create and process expense reports in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
  • Work with travel requisitions in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
Bemærk: Indhold for dette kursus tilpasses løbende af Microsoft for at følge med den løbende teknologiske udvikling, der kan derfor ske ændringer af kursusindhold uden varsel.

Anmeldelser af Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance [MB-310T00]

Meget godt Baseret på 4 anmeldelser
Arrangementer på Teknologisk Institut bliver evalueret af deltagerne. Stjernerne angiver deltagernes gennemsnitlige tilfredshed inden for de sidste 5 år.
Meget godt
Mindre godt
Ikke godt


Dette kursus anbefales som forberedelse til certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Finance Functional Consultant Associate
Du skal bestå eksamen MB-310: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Functional Consultant for at opnå certificeringen. Du skal bestille og betale din eksamen særskilt.
Microsoft skriver om denne eksamen:
  • This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: set up and configure financial management; implement and manage accounts payable and expenses; implement accounts receivable, credit, collections, and revenue recognition; manage budgeting; and manage fixed assets.
  • Candidates for this exam analyze business requirements and translate those requirements into fully realized business processes and solutions that implement industry-recommended practices. They have a fundamental understanding of accounting principles and a deeper understanding of financial operations as they relate to core finance, manufacturing, retail, and supply chain management operations.
  • Candidates for this exam typically specialize in one or more feature sets of Dynamics 365 Finance, including core finance, general ledger, tax, cost accounting, cost management, fixed assets, asset leasing, budgeting, revenue recognition, consolidation and elimination, credit and collections, cash and bank management, and expense management. They understand the relationships between finance and manufacturing, retail, and supply chain management.

Bemærk: at selvom dette kursus er tilpasset til eksamen MB-310, indeholder det muligvis ikke alle de oplysninger, der kræves for at bestå eksamenen. I henhold til Microsofts vejledning anbefales yderligere selvstudium og praktisk erfaring ud over deltagelse i dette kursus.

Læs mere om IT certificering.


Teknologisk Institut benytter erfarne undervisere, der kommer fra et bredt netværk af branchens dygtigste specialister.

Vælg dato

28. - 31. oktober 2024
24. - 28. februar 2025
22. - 25. april 2025
Virtuelt kursus
16. - 19. juni 2025
16. - 19. juni 2025