Genanvendelse af farvede glasskår - Kilder

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Genanvendelse af farvede glasskår - Kilder

[1] Udvikling og afprøvning af alternative metoder til genanvendelse af farvede glasskår, baggrundsnotat, Miljøstyrelsen (maj 2002)

[2] Metoder til genanvendelse af farvede glasskår til produktion af tegl og beton og til vejbygning, fase 1, litteraturstudium, Marianne Tange Hasholt, Teknologisk Institut

[3] Metoder til genanvendelse af farvede glasskår til produktion af tegl og beton og til vejbygning, fase 2, pilotforsøg, Marianne Tange Hasholt, Dorthe Mathiesen, Helge Hansen, Teknologisk Institut og Finn Thøgersen, Vejteknisk Institut

[4] Meland, Inger, & Dahl, Per Arne: Concrete with Waste Glass Cullets as Aggregates, proceedings, ed. Dirch H. Bager & Mette Glavind, Nordic Concrete Research Meeting, Helsingør, juni 2002, Norsk Betongforening, pp. 32-34 (2002)

[5] Dahl, Per Arne: Glassbetong – dokumentasjon og utførelse, indlæg på Norsk Betongdag 2000 (gengivet på hjemmesiden:

[6] Shao et al.: Studies on concrete containing ground waste glass, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 30, pp. 91-100 (2000)

[7] Jin, Weihua, Meyer, Christian, & Baxter, Stephen: ”Glasscrete” – Concrete with Glass Aggregates, ACI Materials Journal, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 208-213 (2000)

[8] Shayan, Ahmad: Value-added Utilisation of Waste Glass in Concrete, proceedings, IABSE Symposium Melbourne 2002: Towards a Better Built Environment – Innovation, Sustainability, Information Technology, pp. 384-385 (abstract, selve artikel findes på CD, der følger med proceedings) (2002)

[9] Patent no. WO 01/79131 A1: Cementitious composition containing glass powder as a puzzolan, opfinder: Tarig Monawar, dato for offentliggørelse: 25.10.2001

[10] Microfiller® i betong. Produktinformation. Svensk GlasÅtervinning (2000)

[11] Additives in the Brick and Tile Industry, Institut für Ziegelforschung, Essen (1996)

[12] Stefan Stefanov: The use of industrial wastes in the brick and tile industry, Ziegelindustrie International,3/86 (1986)

[13] Kriterier for anvendelse af alternative materialer i tegl- og mørtelprodukter, Renere Teknologi i Tegl- og Mørtelbranchen (1999)

[14] Heinz G. Pfaender: Schott Guide to Glass (1996)

[15] Stan Bedford: Alternative Uses for Cullet, Glass, July 1994, p. 256-258

[16] WRAP. Recycled Glass, Market Study and Standards Review, May 2002, Section 8

[17] Brown & Mackenzie: Process Design for the Production of a Ceramic-like Body from Recycled Waste Glass, Journal of Material Science 1982, Part 1, The Effect on Fabrication Variables on Green Strength, p. 2164-2170

[18] Brown & Mackenzie: Part 2, The Effect of Fabrication Variables on the Physical Properties of teh Fired Body, p. 2171-2183

[19] Brown & Mackenzie: Part 3, The Influence of Microstructure and Devitrificatrion Behaviour on the Physical Properties, p. 2184-2193

[20] John H. Abrahams: Recycling Container Glass. An Overview, Third Mineral Waste Utilization Symposium, March 14-16, 1972, p 144-150, Refereret i [14]

[21] John Reindl: Reuse/Recycling of Glass Cullet for Non-Container Uses, 2002

[22] User Guidelines for Waste and By-Product Materials in Pavement Construction, Federal Highway Administration, report FHWA-RD-97-148

[22] Best Practises in Glass Recycling,

[23] Recycled Glass Market Study and Standards Review,

[24] A Tool Kit for the Use of Post-Consumer Glass as a Construction Aggregate, Clean Washington Center, report no. GL-97-5, (1998)