
4 dages kursus 
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Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect [SC-100T00]

24. - 27. september 2024 Taastrup Garantifor afholdelse
29. oktober til 12. november 2024 Aarhus
5. - 20. december 2024 Taastrup
DKK  17.999
ekskl. moms
Nr. 91214 A

På dette kursus får du viden om at designe og evaluere cybersecurity strategier på følgende områder: Zero Trust, Governance Risk Compliance (GRC), security operations (SecOps) og viden om design af strategier inden for data og applikationer. Du lærer at designe løsninger ved hjælp af nul zero trust principper og specificere sikkerhedskrav til en cloud infrastruktur i forskellige servicemodeller (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS).


Dette kursus er for erfarne infrastruktureksperter, der gerne vil have viden om at designe en sikkerhedsinfrastruktur og en strategi for data og applikationer ved hjælp af zero trust, Governance Comnpliance (GRC) og security operations.


Du forventes at have en bred viden om sikkerhed i et Microsoftmiljø inden for identitet og adgang, platformsbeskyttelse, administration af sikkerhed, sikring af data og applikationer samt erfaring med hybrid- og cloud implementeringer.

Vi anbefaler at du har deltaget på kurset Microsoft Security Operations Analyst [SC-200T00].


  • Design af Zero Trust strategi og arkitektur
  • Evaluering af tekniske strategier og strategier for Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) og håndtering af sikkerhed
  • Design af sikkerhed for infrastruktur
  • Design en strategi for data og applikationer

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Certificeret underviser

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Materiale på engelsk

Materiale på engelsk

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Undervisning på dansk

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Module 1: Build an overall security strategy and architecture
  • Introduction
  • Zero Trust overview
  • Develop Integration points in an architecture
  • Develop security requirements based on business goals
  • Translate security requirements into technical capabilities
  • Design security for a resiliency strategy
  • Design a security strategy for hybrid and multi-tenant environments
  • Design technical and governance strategies for traffic filtering and segmentation
  • Understand security for protocols
  • Exercise: Build an overall security strategy and architecture
  • Knowledge check
  • Summary
Module 2: Design a security operations strategy
  • Introduction
  • Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures
  • Design a logging and auditing security strategy
  • Develop security operations for hybrid and multi-cloud environments
  • Design a strategy for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration,
  • Evaluate security workflows
  • Review security strategies for incident management
  • Evaluate security operations strategy for sharing technical threat intelligence
  • Monitor sources for insights on threats and mitigations
Module 3: Design an identity security strategy
  • Introduction
  • Secure access to cloud resources
  • Recommend an identity store for security
  • Recommend secure authentication and security authorization strategies
  • Secure conditional access
  • Design a strategy for role assignment and delegation
  • Define Identity governance for access reviews and entitlement management
  • Design a security strategy for privileged role access to infrastructure
  • Design a security strategy for privileged activities
  • Understand security for protocols
Module 4: Evaluate a regulatory compliance strategy
  • Introduction
  • Interpret compliance requirements and their technical capabilities
  • Evaluate infrastructure compliance by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Interpret compliance scores and recommend actions to resolve issues or improve security
  • Design and validate implementation of Azure Policy
  • Design for data residency Requirements
  • Translate privacy requirements into requirements for security solutions
Module 5: Evaluate security posture and recommend technical strategies to manage risk
  • Introduction
  • Evaluate security postures by using benchmarks
  • Evaluate security postures by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Evaluate security postures by using Secure Scores
  • Evaluate security hygiene of Cloud Workloads
  • Design security for an Azure Landing Zone
  • Interpret technical threat intelligence and recommend risk mitigations
  • Recommend security capabilities or controls to mitigate identified risks
Module 6: Understand architecture best practices and how they are changing with the Cloud
  • Introduction
  • Plan and implement a security strategy across teams
  • Establish a strategy and process for proactive and continuous evolution of a security strategy
  • Understand network protocols and best practices for network segmentation and traffic filtering
Module 7: Design a strategy for securing server and client endpoints
  • Introduction
  • Specify security baselines for server and client endpoints
  • Specify security requirements for servers
  • Specify security requirements for mobile devices and clients
  • Specify requirements for securing Active Directory Domain Services
  • Design a strategy to manage secrets, keys, and certificates
  • Design a strategy for secure remote access
  • Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures
  • Understand deep forensics procedures by resource type
Module 8: Design a strategy for securing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS services
  • Introduction
  • Specify security baselines for PaaS services
  • Specify security baselines for IaaS services
  • Specify security baselines for SaaS services
  • Specify security requirements for IoT workloads
  • Specify security requirements for data workloads
  • Specify security requirements for web workloads
  • Specify security requirements for storage workloads
  • Specify security requirements for containers
  • Specify security requirements for container orchestration
Module 9: Specify security requirements for applications
  • Introduction
  • Understand application threat modeling
  • Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications
  • Specify a security standard for onboarding a new application
  • Specify a security strategy for applications and APIs
Module 10: Design a strategy for securing data
  • Introduction
  • Prioritize mitigating threats to data
  • Design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data
  • Specify an encryption standard for data at rest and in motion

Bemærk: Indhold for dette kursus tilpasses løbende af Microsoft for at følge med den løbende teknologiske udvikling, der kan derfor ske ændringer af kursusindhold uden varsel.



Dette kursus leder hen mod eksamen SC-100 Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect. Du skal bestille og betale for din eksamen særskilt.

Hvis du ønsker at opnå certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Cybersecurity Architect, Expert skal du foruden eksamen SC-100 og bestå en af følgende eksamener SC-200, SC-300, SC-400 eller MS-500.

Microsoft skriver følgende om denne eksamen:

  • This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: design a Zero Trust strategy and architecture; evaluate Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) technical strategies and security operations strategies; design security for infrastructure; and design a strategy for data and applications.
  • Candidates for this exam should have advanced experience and knowledge in a wide range of security engineering areas, including identity and access, platform protection, security operations, securing data, and securing applications. They should also have experience with hybrid and cloud implementations.
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Teknologisk Institut benytter erfarne undervisere fra et bredt netværk af dygtige specialister.

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24. - 27. september 2024
 Garantifor afholdelse
29. oktober til 12. november 2024
5. - 20. december 2024